5 Easy Tips to Lose Tummy Bulge

Saturday 2 November 2013

You say you want to lose your embarrassing tummy bulge? If you don't like the way your midsection looks then these 5 tips to a flat stomach may be able to help you.

1. Consume smaller portions of food. If you're used to eating 3 square meals a day try to separate them into smaller meals spread throughout the day. It is said that when you eat more frequently but in smaller portions you can actually lose weight. This is true, and this is because your body can digest the food better therefore less fat is stored.

2. Get more fiber in your diet. Fiber will make you feel satiated, thus minimizing the amount of cravings you will have throughout the day. It can also help you clean out the contents of your colon, making you feel less constipated. Fiber can be obtained from a number of fruits and vegetables.
3. Start doing a lot of cardio exercises; in fact make it a habit. Cardio exercises like jogging, biking, or even just brisk walking is a great way to trim your wayward tummy. By doing these exercises everyday not only will you lose tummy fat, you'll also slim down your whole body.

best ways to lose tummy
4. Build up your muscle mass. Melting all the excess flab away is not enough; if you don't want them to return then you should build up muscle to help you burn more calories. Do some strength training at the gym, this will both melt away the fat and give your muscle that sexy, toned look.

5. Load up on fat-burning food. Yes, there are foods that can help you lose excess fat. There are certain fruits and vegetables that need more calories to digest than what they contain. These aren't exotic types of fruits and vegetables; you can actually find them in your local grocery. Celery, apples, and oranges are examples of foods that can help you in burning off your excess fat.
By simply following these 5 simple tips, you'll be able to lose not just lose tummy bulge, you'll also get an overall slimmer figure.

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